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Updated: 9th October 2020

Before you arrive

  1. All players must book and confirm their attendance in advance via email.
  2. DO NOT come if you or any members of your household have Covid symptoms, please let us know if you develop symptoms.
  3. The changing rooms are not made available, please arrive changed and ready to begin.
  4. Please bring your own water to avoid using the water fountain which we do not maintain.
  5. Please bring a mask if you are able to wear a mask.

At arrival outside the sports hall

  1. Please do not congregate outside the sports hall. Social interaction before and after the sessions should be limited and only be in separate and distinct groups of up to 6.
  2. Please wear a mask if you are able to wear a mask.
  3. There is a one-way entry and exit system. Players may enter via the main sports centre entrance and they may exit via the fire door underneath the clock.
  4. We would like to ask parents to not enter the sports centre unless you really have to.
  5. The toilets are open but the changing rooms are out-of-bounds.

At arrival inside the sports hall

  1. As the players enter the sports hall, please wait for a coach to take your temperature via a contact-less thermometer. If there is a queue, please keep two metres apart.
  2. If you are able to wear a mask, please keep it on.
  3. There will be hand sanitiser near the entrance, please use it on arrival. Please let us know if there are medical related reasons preventing any players from using the hand sanitiser.
  4. There is a one-way system inside the sports hall, floor markers are laid out directing the players.
  5. Players are welcome to use the hand sanitisers at any time.

During training

  1. If you are able to wear a mask, please keep it on unless during physical activities. Example scenarios would be when entering or leaving the session, during registration, or in between going on court to play. Players wishing to keep their mask on during physical activities are welcome to do so.
  2. Please refrain from any physical contact unless you belong to the same household.
  3. Please do not share equipment, such as rackets, towels etc.
  4. Players must try to maintain two metres apart at all times. This may be unavoidable during doubles play but please try to maintain two metres apart when not in play.
  5. A maximum of six players will be allocated to each court to minimise movements in between courts. Players may be moved during the session but this will be kept to the minimum. All supervised sporting activities for under 18s continue to be exempt from the “rule of 6”, however we are exercising this measure to minimise any unnecessary exposure.
  6. Players can share shuttles but we will ask players not to touch the posts or the nets.

Other measures

  1. We will arrive early before session start to give door handles, badminton posts and the benches a wipe down with disinfectant.
  2. We will give the benches further wipe downs in between sessions.
  3. All coaches will be wearing a face shield to minimise the potential dispersion of any respiratory droplets.

Questions and answers

Q: Are we actually permitted to reopen?
A: We have seen changes with restrictions throughout the year, we are closely following statements published by BADMINTON England, in order to make sure the answer to this question is up-to-date, please see our BADMINTON England Statement page. This information will be regularly reviewed and updated should there be any changes.

Q: Do we have to wear a mask?
A: Players do not have to wear a mask (or any other form of face covering) during physical activities. We understand that training with a mask can be difficult. However, if anyone feels safer when wearing a mask and is able to train without experiencing breathing difficulties, we encourage them to wearing one. Parents and guardians entering the building will need to wear a mask unless they are medically exempt and can substantiate this if necessary. We are mindful and respectful of some people who are less able to wear face coverings.

Q: What are the official measures that are required to reopen?
A: We are also closely following Gov.uk, in order to make sure the answer to this question is up-to-date, please see our Government’s Guidance for Return to Recreational Team Sport Framework page, where the information will be revised on a regular basis.